Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Male Vs Female Demons

this picture above is called a incubus a male demon

a friend of mine worte this for me he done a bit of reserch he is a rwally good friend of mine i know him in RL and Sl and when he found this a wrote about it he gave it to me to put it on my profile to show you all for all your enjoyment

sexual Demon? Is there such a thing? They are out there and have been documented as far back as medievel times. It is a demon that takes the form of a Female (Succubus) or Male (Incubus) and has sexual intercourse with it's victim while they sleep. This can be violent in nature and women are able to be inpregnated. It gains energy for it's own survival and will drain it's host of their life force. A demon will often mask it's true identity to gain your trust, this type of demon is no different from any other.
Both of these demons can become the opposite also. It seems their attacks are during the victims sleep. This is when a lot of ghostly or paranormal activity is reported, just before someone falls asleep, during rest or as they are waking up. This is possibly
caused by our sense's being hightened and being more in tune with our surroundings.
It is believed by some that during our sleep is when the spirit world communicates
with us.

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