Thursday, 20 May 2010

try again

Today i came on Sl to see if my SL Husband Kaboom was on i had to spend the night at the hospital and all day and all evening i didn't wanted to be there even the doctors said me beening there is stressing me out so they have let me go :)i have had some bad days in Rl i am to upset to talk about it and even to think about it.. i am only today to see my husband Kaboom and to see my 2 sisters and Shadow :) i want to get on with my Sl and RL it will take me time but i Will get there slowly....

Ex are assholes

Some event happen to in to me in Rl with my Ex he is a nasty piece of work... he is a asshole and i wish he would just drop dead... he gets off ruining peoples life well one thing i amnot going to let him ruin my life.. as long as i have my Family and friends around me and the man i love i will get though it

Monday, 17 May 2010

SL day

Today Me and shadow stayed at mine and Kaboom house most of the evening but we went Exploring Sl she took me to a different place of the isle of Wyrm we stayed for about 5-10 minutes then we left we went to another place it a RP Sims medieval area demon's and vampires as well all sorts go their i found a new outfit Grins i am always buying stuff lol... it reminded me that i brought some underwear the other just for my Husband Kabooms eyes only Smiles he saw one of the outfits that i got i am sure he really did like it :)....

but the other one he is not allowed to see until after the wedding smiles that should keep him guessing what i have lol i am sure he will really like this one i have i am always looking for new sexy outfits to wear Smiles

i am waiting for Kaboom to return to me on SL but until he returns i will check the other places that SL have to offer Smiles today has been a up and down day for me Exs in RL pissing me off and dealing with family......well SL just recent it has been up and down up to a few days ago i had a good time on SL no one bothered me well expect one person but i am not saying no names i rather not saves arguments on there gives me peace as well lol...but then thing went down then back up then i got attacked on Sl the i had a friend demand Sex off me... well i guess it goes up again lol lets hope it stays that way

a Demoness Thinking

Today while on Second Life i was looking over my Blogs some the i wrote a while back i thought they are so childish what was i thinking so i am going to remove some of my blogs i done ok for a while then i had a few silly ones added to my profile i was going though a emotional stage on Second Life .......

Say It's Over

Today i was on Second Life i was chilling with Shadow i had a phone called from my Ex in RL..... he said he still oves me and wants me back i told him to fuck off i told he was the one that want to go around fucking other women while with me.. he hurt me so much... and he wants me back i don't think so he can fuck right off...

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Friend .......

Today i came on My sL husband wasn't on so i decide to have a look around SL go to some of my landmark that i haven't been in a while found a few of shop i use to really going to then my Sl husband came on we went exploring together we went to a elevn place then we went to a few clubs.. i had to go in RL i didn't want to leave my SL husband Kaboom but i am at work i have done a double today and yesterday i have to get though the rest of the evening then i can go home to my bed instead of sleeping in the staff room :(... when i manged to get back on after a very busy day Sighs i first read my Husband Kabooms blogs i all ways do Smiles ...i went back to one of the club i saw earl yer i met a few people there they seemed really nice then i was greeted by Shadow the we decide to go exploring we ended up in a place called WIG Club i haven't been there in a long time it has changed so much it looks really nice now me and shadow met one of the owners of the place we had a talk with her.... while we were there we met a Shemale and another demoness.... i had to do some paper work in RL and when i came back i had a IM from someone i knew from when i first started he went on saying how muched he has like me since he had met me. i said i am flatted with the comment i told him i have a SL husband and i am in love with him after that he went quite on me only for about 5 minutes lol then he came back and said i just read your profile ???? i said what was the ??? for.. and he said your a demoness and a vampire now and i replied yes i am.. he said are u happy with beening a vampire and demoness and i replied yes i am very happy.. he ask me if my SL partner was happy about it and i said of course he is he is a demon him self then i explain to him that it was my SL husband that turned me into a demoness and i was part of a demon family and so was my son and then i explain to him that i have 2 family's but my demon family was the most important to me... and he said he can understand that...

Then he asked me a big no no question he asked if we can sex for old time sake and i said no my body and my soul and my eternal love belongs to Kaboom and no other man... he didn't like that reply he said why i don't understand why not and he said he wanted me now and i replied to him i will inform my SL husband and he can take it up with him and my answer was no ans it will always be no... then he replied i don't want a fight with anyone then he said you are going to lose my as a friend... then i said ok it will have to be that way then i said if u was a true friend you wouldn't of asked me that question then demand it off me then i said this a goodbye for good then i cut the conversation then i deleted him from my friend list... it was hes mistake he should respect that i have a SL husband and not ask me of that