Saturday, 8 May 2010
todays not a good for me on Sl
Today i came on to Second life i said hello to my Husband Kaboom.He Teleported me to him and i whent to him i saw my Husband he had a new demon outfit.he looked very evil indeed well that's the way i like nice and evil he looks very Hot and sexy well he all ways looks hot and sexy to me... then i had to go out for about an hour do some things in Real life and when i came back he was with Shadow our pet dragon :) he had just given her a new collar and she added me as a master on the collar to as well as Kaboom but after a while had he to go were he is is was really late after he left me and shadow spent time together but she need to go to work after a while i went looking about in different Sims i was dress in my evil neko outfit a few people spoke to me and ask me how it felt to be a demoness i told what it was like and a bloke came up to me and started to throw insults at me i asked him what have i done to make him do that to me he said he don't like demons and he said he noticed that i was a vampire to then he said to say my type weren't welcome there and i should leave
i just ignored him after a while he did leave me alone then he came back with someone else the came up to me and said i should leave the Sim because i am still not welcome and when i said i don't have to i can roam were i want to this other person came up to me a used a weapon on me i went flying i ending face on the floor and all he said now will you leave when my avi got up i decide to leave i know i could handle one alone but not 2 throwing weapons at me so i came home to rest i went up stair a laid on my bed and just rested there i didn't want to go exploring i would rather be alone i have deleted the Sim i am choosing not to return there... maybe tomorrow might be a better day for me
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
My Restraints
Today i went Shopping for New clothes and after a while my Husband Kaboom Joined me At Sn@OKs UniQue Fashion and i asked what outfits he likes he picked out three outfits and i picked three my self after a while we went back home i showed him the new throne and cage i got him and i show him my Restraints i gave my Keys to my Restraints in the trust to my husband and my love to him..... then i had to go out to do some stuff in Real life i came back and my Husband Kaboom was at the Club speak to the assistants Manger of the Club i am a dancer at the same Club i Have my Husband Kaboom before i became a dancer at the Club is the first time i had a Dancer job and i really like it and the fact that when i am working i get to spend time with my Husband Kaboom I hate it when we have to be apart but some times it can't be helped with my Real Life i work nights :( so most of the time we are apart but when i come on in the morning after a couple of hours sleep i come on to see him and he stay on longer to spend time with me and i love him for that kisses to you my love and i enjoy every moment we spend together
Picture of the 7 deadly sins in another way
Pictures of the 7 deadly sins in wood carvings
the 7 vitures
Contrary, Heavenly, and Cardinal Virtues
In this world of iniquity, they are a few gleams of hope in the mire of our shameful indulgences. Various formulations of Virtue have been proposed over the ages.
The Cardinal Virtues:
prudence, temperance, courage, justice
Classical Greek philosophers considered the foremost virtues to be prudence, temperance, courage, and justice. Early Christian Church theologians adopted these virtues and considered them to be equally important to all people, whether they were Christian or not.
The Theological Virtues:
love, hope, faith
St. Paul defined the three chief virtues as love, which was the essential nature of God, hope, and faith. Christian Church authorities called them the three theological virtues because they believed the virtues were not natural to man in his fallen state, but were conferred at Baptism.
The Seven Contrary Virtues:
humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence
The Contrary Virtues were derived from the Psychomachia ("Battle for the Soul"), an epic poem written by Prudentius (c. 410). Practicing these virtues is alledged to protect one against temptation toward the Seven Deadly Sins: humility against pride, kindness against envy, abstinence against gluttony, chastity against lust, patience against anger, liberality against greed, and diligence against sloth.
The Seven Heavenly Virtues:
faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, prudence
The Heavenly Virtues combine the four Cardinal Virtues: prudence, temperance, fortitude -- or courage, and justice, with a variation of the theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity. I'm still researching the origins and popular usage of this formulation.
The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
Continuing the numerological mysticism of Seven, the Christian Church assembled a list of seven good works that was included in medieval catechisms. They are: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, give shelter to strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick, minister to prisoners, and bury the dead.
In this world of iniquity, they are a few gleams of hope in the mire of our shameful indulgences. Various formulations of Virtue have been proposed over the ages.
The Cardinal Virtues:
prudence, temperance, courage, justice
Classical Greek philosophers considered the foremost virtues to be prudence, temperance, courage, and justice. Early Christian Church theologians adopted these virtues and considered them to be equally important to all people, whether they were Christian or not.
The Theological Virtues:
love, hope, faith
St. Paul defined the three chief virtues as love, which was the essential nature of God, hope, and faith. Christian Church authorities called them the three theological virtues because they believed the virtues were not natural to man in his fallen state, but were conferred at Baptism.
The Seven Contrary Virtues:
humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence
The Contrary Virtues were derived from the Psychomachia ("Battle for the Soul"), an epic poem written by Prudentius (c. 410). Practicing these virtues is alledged to protect one against temptation toward the Seven Deadly Sins: humility against pride, kindness against envy, abstinence against gluttony, chastity against lust, patience against anger, liberality against greed, and diligence against sloth.
The Seven Heavenly Virtues:
faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, prudence
The Heavenly Virtues combine the four Cardinal Virtues: prudence, temperance, fortitude -- or courage, and justice, with a variation of the theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity. I'm still researching the origins and popular usage of this formulation.
The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
Continuing the numerological mysticism of Seven, the Christian Church assembled a list of seven good works that was included in medieval catechisms. They are: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, give shelter to strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick, minister to prisoners, and bury the dead.
7th deadly sin Sloth
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
What it is: Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
Why you do it: You're shiftless, lazy, and good fer nuthin'.
Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be thrown into snake pits.
Associated symbols & suchlike: Sloth is linked with the goat (or the goatfish, in the case of the Deadly Sins T-shirt) and the color light blue.
From the Pocket Catholic Catechism:
Sloth is the desire for ease, even at the expense of doing the known will of God. Whatever we do in life requires effort. Everything we do is to be a means of salvation. The slothful person is unwilling to do what God wants because of the effort it takes to do it. Sloth becomes a sin when it slows down and even brings to a halt the energy we must expend in using the means to salvation.
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said Sloth is "sluggishness of the mind which neglects to begin good... [it] is evil in its effect, if it so oppresses man as to draw him away entirely from good deeds." (2,35, ad 1)
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says Sloth is ruled by the celestial sign of Saturn. This book actually mentions the Seven Deadly Sins Homepage! I could have written this book, but someone else did, and now I'm plugging their damn book because I'm thrilled just to be mentioned. Behold the wages of Sloth
6th deadly sin Greed
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
What it is: Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Why you do it: You live in possibly the most pampered, consumerist society since the Roman Empire.
Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be boiled alive in oil. Bear in mind that it's the finest, most luxurious boiling oil that money can buy, but it's still boiling.
Associated symbols & suchlike: Greed is linked with the frog and the color yellow.
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Greed: "it is a sin directly against one's neighbor, since one man cannot over-abound in external riches, without another man lacking them... it is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, inasmuch as man contemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." (2, 118, ad 1)
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says Greed is ruled by the celestial sign of Mercury. This book actually mentions the Seven Deadly Sins Homepage! It's a must-have. I urge you to buy several copies. You are growing sleepy. You want this book. You need this book. When you awake, you will feel rested and will go buy this book.
5th deadly sin Anger
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
What it is: Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
Why you do it: You're wired for it. Also, the people around you are pretty damn irritating.
Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be dismembered alive.
Associated symbols & suchlike: Anger is linked with the bear and the color red.
In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer called Anger "the fervent blood of Man yquyked in his herte, thurgh which he wole harm to hym that he hateth./ For certes, the herte of man, by eschawfynge and moevynge of his blood, wexeth so trouble that he is out of alle juggement of resoun." (The Parson's Tale)
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said Anger is "the name of a passion. A passion of the sensitive appetite is good in so far as it is regulated by reason, whereas it is evil if it set the order of reason aside." (2, 158, ad 2)
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says
Anger is ruled by the sign of Mars. It points out that this is the Sin most likely to harm other people, particularly when mixed with another Sin. For example, Anger + Envy = armed robbery. Question: write a short essay describing what Anger + Sloth might look like.
A little story of Anger.
One day, it became rather important that I get from Washington D.C. to Miami, where a friend was experiencing a certain crisis. Airfares were prohibitively expensive, so I called our friends at Amtrak to see if they could help me out.
They couldn't. In fact, when I was finally allowed to talk to a human being after a wait of over twenty minutes, I was put on hold a few more times while the customer service agent got some coffee, rearranged her closet, regrouted her aquarium, and took a Calculus class. Understand that I really really wanted to get out of Washington D.C. at this point - that night, even - and that each passing minute might have made the difference between catching the night train, or not. No one wants to read someone else's customer service complaint; suffice it to say that Amtrak treated me with the care you would expect them to extend to any convicted serial killer.
I was a bit peeved. I hung up. I didn't go to Florida, which turned out to be perfectly fine. But the damage was done: my sales agent was only guilty of a little rudeness, but I was guilty of the Sin of Anger. And while she will probably eventually get fired, I will baste in the fires of eternal damnation. All aboard. Thanks, Amtrak.
4th Deadly sin lust
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
What it is: Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Why you do it: Oh, please.
Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be smothered in fire and brimstone. Not kisses.
Associated symbols & suchlike: Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Lust:
...wherever there occurs a special kind of deformity whereby the venereal act is rendered unbecoming, there is a determinate species of lust. This may occur in two ways: First, through being contrary to right reason, and this is common to all lustful vices; secondly, because, in addition, it is contrary to the natural order of the venereal act as becoming to the human race: and this is called "the unnatural vice." This may happen in several ways. First, by procuring pollution, without any copulation, for the sake of venereal pleasure: this pertains to the sin of "uncleanness" which some call "effeminacy." Secondly, by copulation with a thing of undue species, and this is called "bestiality." Thirdly, by copulation with an undue sex, male with male, or female with female, as the Apostle states (Rm. 1:27): and this is called the "vice of sodomy." Fourthly, by not observing the natural manner of copulation, either as to undue means, or as to other monstrous and bestial manners of copulation.
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says
Lust is ruled by the celestial sign of Venus. Incidentally, this is the first book to mention the Seven Deadly Sins Homepage. I urge you to buy several copies and distribute them to all your friends. I would kiss both authors on the mouth if they would have me.
We at the Seven Deadly Sins Homepage care about you. So if you think you might be tempted to engage in a monstrous and/or bestial manner of copulation, or if you find yourself procuring some pollution without any copulation, thereby rendering yourself effeminate (as "unclean" is no longer considered an appropriate term), get help.
Take the Lust Test to determine your temptability. Carefully follow the instructions to bring some healing to your perverse soul. If you really try, maybe you can make it into the upcoming "Souls Saved By this Site" feature.
3rd Deadly sin Gluttony
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
What it is: Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Why you do it: Because you were weaned improperly as an infant.
Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.
Associated symbols & suchlike: Gluttony is linked with the pig and the color orange.
In the words of nineteenth-century Russian Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov:
Wise temperance of the stomach is a door to all the virtues. Restrain the stomach, and you will enter Paradise. But if you please and pamper your stomach, you will hurl yourself over the precipice of bodily impurity, into the fire of wrath and fury, you will coarsen and darken your mind, and in this way you will ruin your powers of attention and self-control, your sobriety and vigilance.
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Gluttony: "Gluttony denotes, not any desire of eating and drinking, but an inordinate desire... leaving the order of reason, wherein the good of moral virtue consists." (2, 148, ad 1)
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says
Gluttony is ruled by the celestial sign of Jupiter. Ambition was the original sin of the ancient Mithraic sect (from which the Deadly Sins are alledgedly ripped off), but "when it changed sides and became a virtue, Gluttony was summoned to take its place."
According to The Picture Book of Devils, Demons and Witchcraft, by Ernst and Johanna Lehner, those who commit the Sin of Gluttony are punished in Hell by being forced to eat rats, toads, and snakes. And you were just worried about getting fat? If after all that you're still considering hurling yourself off the precipice of bodily impurity, why not do it with some...
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, softened
1/4 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup packed light brown sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1-2/3 cups (10-oz. pkg.) Peanut Butter Chips
1/2 cup Hershey's Syrup
Heat oven to 350F. Grease 13x9x2-inch baking pan. In large bowl, beat butter and peanut butter. Add sugar and brown sugar; beat well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in vanilla. Stir together flour, baking powder and salt; mix into peanut butter mixture, blending well. Stir in peanut butter chips. Spread half of batter into prepared pan; spoon syrup over top. Carefully spread with remaining batter; swirl with metal spatula or knife for marbled effect. Bake 35 to 45 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into squares. About 36 brownies.
2nd Deadly Sin Envy
Envyis the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
What it is: Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Why you do it: Because other people are so much luckier, smarter, more attractive, and better than you.
Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be put in freezing water.
Associated symbols & suchlike: Envy is linked with the dog and the color green.
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says
Envy is ruled by the celestial sign of the Moon, and is "the key behind every advertisement." Incidentally, this book actually mentions the Seven Deadly Sins Homepage. All your friends are buying it. Imagine the embarrassment if you're the only one to miss out!
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Envy: "Envy according to the aspect of its object is contrary to charity, whence the soul derives its spiritual life... Charity rejoices in our neighbor's good, while envy grieves over it." (2, 36, ad 3)
Some have suggested that my epic disgust for the literary works of legal McNovelist John Grisham reveals the Sin of Envy. How far will I sink?
1st Deadly Sin Pride
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
i mention the deadly sins in another blog of mine this is the way i see them my 1st deadly sins is pride well have it in us in many shape and forms i will put referances on the Sins
What it is: Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Why you do it: Well-meaning elementary school teachers told you to "believe in yourself."
Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be broken on the wheel.
Associated symbols & suchlike: Pride is linked with the horse and the color violet
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Pride "inordinate self-love is the cause of every sin (1,77) ... the root of pride is found to consist in man not being, in some way, subject to God and His rule."
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says that
Pride is ruled by the celestial sign of the Sun. It is "the mother of all sins... the thin line between righteousness and self-righteousness." Incidentally, this book actually mentions the Seven Deadly Sins Home page. Right there on page 6!
Notable lightweight John Grisham and Nobel laureate William Faulkner are two Southern gents who've published some popular works. Which is in dangerous karmic peril for the sin of inordinate self-love?
Dreams what you dream and what they could mean
Dream symbol categories: Actions, Feelings, Conditions · People, Characters · Dream Dictionary
Jungians would explain sex dreams as a symbolic of the attraction to and urge to merge with polar opposites. So, it can refer to wholeness, psychological completion; union of different aspects of yourself. Frightening, oppressive or unpleasant sexual dreams often relate to repressed or unresolved spiritual problems.
Dreams of having sex and or orgasm are normal Freudians would interpret sex dreams as some infantile sexual wish or attitude. Waking event will not enter your dreams unless related to deep-seated feelings or attitudes. Any conflicts about sexuality will be reflected in sex dreams. Many sex dreams are heavily disguised as other activities. For instance, going in or through a back door can represent anal intercourse.
Dreaming of having sex with a parent when this has never happened in waking life, may symbolize feminine or masculine aspects of yourself or of archetypes. Dreaming of sex with a male or female authority figure may represent a disguised parent substitute. Having a parent visible while you are having sex with someone else may relate to the sexual roles or mores that parent thought you, possibly an attempt to overcome them.
You can interpret dreams about sex as relating to an over sexual needs.
They can show you something about waking relationship issues with others. Or dreams about sex can reveal perceptions about your sexuality in the contest of your social or political society. They can reflect early feelings or teaching about sex, marriage, love and male or female roles.
How do you feel in the dream? Fear or happiness?
Some other things to consider are unfinished relationship issues and conflicts about a customary way of relating to other people.
Dream symbol categories: Objects · Dream Dictionary
Depending on how it appears in the dream, a knife can represent insight orunderstanding. Or it may symbolize destructive thoughts that have been buried inthe subconcious. Another possiblity is that the knife represents aggression,particularly male sexual aggression.
Depending on how it appears in the dream, a knife can represent insight orunderstanding. Or it may symbolize destructive thoughts that have been buried inthe subconcious. Another possiblity is that the knife represents aggression,particularly male sexual aggression.
Dream symbol categories: Actions, Feelings, Conditions · Nature · Dream Dictionary
Color: The color orange can represent different feelings or emotions. Did thecolor seem harsh? If so, it could represent feelings of aggression. If it was awarmer shade it could stand for life, conciousness, or even religious feelings(like the sun). Have you been feeling down lately? If so, orange may be a signthat you are coming out of your depression “into the sunlight”, so to speak.
Fruit: The orange fruit may symbolize refreshment, or sexual feelings.
Dream symbol categories: Nature · Dream Dictionary
Just as water in a dream often represents emotions, ice can symbolize a freezing, withholding, or repression of these emotions.
Ice can also reflect the feeling of being “frozen” or paralyzed with fear, guilt, or other anxieties.
The Freudians also suggest that ice in a dream can symbolize sexual frigidity or repressed sexual desires.
Could you or someone close to you be acting “cold” emotionally or physically? Is fear or anxiety preventing you from taking some desired course of action?
Cheat, cheating, cheated
Dream symbol categories: Actions, Feelings, Conditions · Dream Dictionary
To dream of a spouse or partner cheating on you may simply indicate that you are feeling insecure about the relations ship (consciously or unconsciously) . Or it could reflect suspicions you have about your partner’s possible infidelity. Of course this doesn’t necessarily mean that your suspicions are justified.
In some cases it could also be an expression of one’s own feelings of sexual inadequacy. It could also reveal a secret desire to have one’s partner engage in sexual relations with someone else.
For young persons to dream that they are being cheated in games, it may reveal their fear that they will lose their sweethearts through quarrels and misunderstandings.
Bug, Bugs
Dream symbol categories: Animals · Dream Dictionary
Dreaming of bug suggests sexual thoughts, worries or anxieties and nudges from your conscience. This dream could also mean strong emotionall involvement or attraction to an interest or career. Other possible interpretations include gossip and special information.
Wolf, Wolves
Dream symbol categories: Animals · Dream Dictionary
Usually dreaming of a wolf represents a symbol of loyalty. A wolf in a dream can be interpreted as a parthfinder and may be pointing the way. A wolf can mean death or the animus, especially in fairy tales, in which it takes the form of a devouring desire to eat up everyone and everything. Sometimes wolf in a dream is symbol of things that are out to get us, wolf is usually just fear. Sometimes we may find ourselves a prisoner of such feelings. The wolf as is suggested by such fairy stories as Red Riding Hood, also represents the female fear of powerful male sexuality, repressed sexuality or anger, emotions and drives you are frightened of.
Motorbike, Motorcycle, Motor
Dream symbol categories: Vehicles · Dream Dictionary
Dreaming of motorcycle or motorbike can be interpreted as energy, freedom and aspect of your sexuality. It signifies a need for escape and adventure. Dream of motorbike means youthful drive and motivation, this points to restlessness and sexual urges in your waking life. Possibly a need for independence.
Adultery, Affair
Dream symbol categories: Actions, Feelings, Conditions · Dream Dictionary
A dream about an affair may be interpreted as feelings about infidelity or betrayal and failure. This dream could also mean being and feeling alone in a relationship. If affair in a dream is enjoyable then this dream is allowing you to exercise the feelings of love and sexual pleasure you have experienced in a waking life. Dream of an affair keeps the fire of life kindling if its lacking in a waking life. An adultery dream is also a sign of overpowering physical urges.
Rabbit, Hare
Dream symbol categories: Animals · Dream Dictionary
Rabbits and hares symbolize birth, and fertility. Rabbits and other hare species are known for their softness and vulnerability. Hence sometimes depicting us as victims, or foolish passiveness. Vulnerability of rabbits suggests the hurt one experiences to the soft and vulnerable parts of the self. Dreaming of rabbits represents most basic elemental emotions and attitudes. These emotions deal with issues of intelligence, ex dumb bunny. According to Jung rabbits are associated with the mother archetype. Also to consider, dreaming of rabbits can represent sexuality, ex rabbit breeding. Hunting rabbits represents need to dominate. Dreaming of a rabbit hole symbolizes withdrawing into the self and wanting escape from everyday problems.
Boyfriend, Exboyfriend, Lover
Dream symbol categories: People, Characters · Dream Dictionary
This represents your emotional feelings of attachment towards your boyfriend. It can also represent the difficulties and struggles with sexual feelings connected with your boyfriend. The dream might signify some insight into his behavior and your relationship. If you are dreaming of ex-boyfriend or ex-lover it represents your feelings and hopes related to him. Usually the ex-boyfriend becomes a symbol for all the hopes for love that are not being satisfied at the moment, or in the present relationship. If the dream of your ex boyfriend includes murder it represents the part of your love that is being killed and removed.
Kiss, Kissing
Dream symbol categories: Actions, Feelings, Conditions · Dream Dictionary
Kissing can represent spiritual devotion or reverence; Kissing can also mean worldly emotion or passion or respect. Some thing to think about when you dream about kissing is kiss of death, kiss off, or the Judas kiss. In fairy tales a kiss or kissing bring forgetfulness and transformation and awakening.
To dream that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work.
To dream that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends.
To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association.
To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements.
To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women.
To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity.
To dream of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes.
To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem.
For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life.
To dream of kissing a person on the neck, denotes passionate inclinations and weak mastery of self.
If you dream of kissing an enemy, you will make advance towards reconciliation with an angry friend.
For a young woman to dream that some person sees her kiss her lover, indicates that spiteful envy is entertained for her by a false friend. For her to see her lover kiss another, she will be disappointed in her hopes of marriage.
Dream symbol categories: Nature · Dream Dictionary
Water in a dream most often symbolizes emotion, mood, or feelings of vitality. The feeling or action of the water as well as how we relate to it in the dream can also represent how we relate to the emotion that has triggered the dream. For example one can have the feeling of drowning in emotions, or float pleasantly on the surface. The emotions symbolized by water maybe unconscious , hence something like a wave can symbolize incoming emotions. A flood or huge wave can represent a rise in unconscious energy or overwhelming emotions.
If the water seems sinister or dangerous, that again may tell you something about your being uncomfortable with your feelings or that you have been repressing them.
Entering water by jumping or wading in slowly may represent your entry into a new relationship, job, or other social situation.
The clearness or muddy-ness of the water in your dream might be telling you something about how secure or sure/unsure you are about entering into something new.
Water is also sometimes said to represent sexual feelings and eros. Playing in or with water, can denote a sudden awakening to love and passion.
Dream symbol categories: Objects · Buildings · Dream Dictionary
From a Freudian view a wall may represent feelings of being excluded from the parents bedroom and the sexual activity or secrets that occur there. Walls separate and organize functions (thinking from emotions). Restrict or set limits. Create privacy or isolation. Have you walled off your emotions or put a barrier or distance between yourself and another?
Dream symbol categories: Actions, Feelings, Conditions · People, Characters · Dream Dictionary
Food or drug addicts, people in addictive relationships may dream their blood of being sucked from them. If you are the vampire in your dream you may be sucking in life energy or aspects of another that you need to complete yourself. It suggests you are being drained of your life energy or autonomy by another, or by repressed instincts. The Freudian view is that vampires or evil creatures represent repressed infantile feelings toward sex, especially incest in case of sucking
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Ain't No Other Man Like my Bloved Kaboom
This is my Song to my Beloved Kaboom the song says it all he is my one and only Man in My Second life Kisses to my husband xxxx
I Know You Want Me
In away i look at this songs as my song to Kaboom my Beloved Husband My lover and my only one i think about him all the Time he has my heart allways and forever xxxxx
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