Sunday, 30 October 2011

Somethink for pain :)

Kaboom :)

its the way i think about you love you kisses Kitten

The Birth of Pain

i was at the groups halloween party when my waters broke and i started having contractions i told my partner kaboom that i need to go
to the doctors i im my doctor to tell her we are on our way to her now toxic joined us at the doctors and so did Dreams (my Grandaugther)
pet jool i allowed jool to stay in the room until i was ready to deliver pain but toxic and Kaboom stayed with me. toxic was by the door
looked like she was going to make a run for it lol but the most inportant person was beside me the hole way thought my partner kaboom :)
the contraction weren't that bad to begin with they were just little shots of pain but as time went on the got worse i couldn't even
laugh without it hurting so much the amount of pain i was in i wanted to swear the place down but i kept calim about it all doing
as the doctor told me to do and evently pain was her ) the doctor ased kaboom if he would like to cut the unbilcored and
he said he would like to then the nurse took her to her weigh (to be added) and to take her heigh (to be added) then she brought her
back and placed her in my arms i couldn't believe it my little baby was here i looked at her and smiled and thinking to my self
how lovley she was she was a couple of days early is ment to be due on the 31st but i think she didn't want to wait that long
she wanted to meet her family now instead of later lol she is very stronger for her age i think we are going to have with little pain
getting into all sort of trouble i guees the hell hole will never be the same now pain is here lol i am going to have my work cut out
for me but while i have my family around me and my partner kaboom around me every think will be ok i am sure she will
keep them on there toes 2 lol

Halloween Party

Today i came on i went shopping for a halloween costume on Xstreet for today Group halloween party i found one :) it took me a while but i finaly
found the one i was looking for a little red riding hood costume covered in Blood when i got in World i rezzed the box and wore my
costume and i had a red hair that went perfect with it while in the hell hole i met a few new pepole Gykau i hadn't met him before until today
he is a hells lord it was nice to met him later on that day i met Lady misty she was added to the group as a new mistress to the group
the party was very busy it was really getting into the swing of it i was with my SL partner kaboom we joined the party lots of ladies dancing Giggles
and pets my sL sis Hateful implaed roast because roast was the main meal for the party i was looking forward to having some of roast
but i didn't stay to the end because my waters broken and i started to have contrations son i left to go to my Doctors with my sl partner
But i heard the party went good i hope everyone enjoyes them self