Thursday, 29 April 2010

......My Hurt..........

i know from my other blogs i have been writing about people on Second life and the creatures u will find one there i know there is more to find as i find them i will update my blog yesterday was my day off of work Second life was dead noting really to do i think i was because i spent most of the day sorting out my inventory and before i left i went to move my house about but i got a bit brain dead i didn't know were to put stuff were i put it i didn't like it there so i will move it about today but so after doing all of that i go bored so i though i will go out for a drink i knocked for my best friend in real life she is trying to get on Second life but she has a old computer she told she getting a new one we were having a quite drink i didn't make a effort to go out all i went out in was a pair of jean and a t-shirt a couple of men came over trying to chat us up i just wasn't in the mood i said to them thanks but no thanks and they walked away My Best friend asked me what was wrong i explain to her i can can't be dealing with men at the moment the men i am meeting at the moment on Second life and Real life like to play mind games like to fuck about with my feelings and i don't like it my trust in men is slipping away very slowly and i have no reason to gain trust in them and as i explained to her i have found a master he is really sweet and very kind to me i am putting my trust in him at the moment i have given up on someone in Second life ( i chose not to mention hes name) they played around with my heart and my trust and i didn't like that one bit but i will not sit and let it get to me i am moving on from them at first what he done to me hurt me i was lost to begin with then i started to get on and do my own thing then he pulled me back telling me all sorts of thing and i started to believe him again then after a couple of day i was just a mind fuck just to keep close just in case something bad happened to him in second life but this time he really hurt me (i am not normally the person to open for people to read but this need to be said) afterward i just though to my self why me i though to my self is maybe because i am easy going or i am very patience with people or is it that i am very forgiving he still like playing mind games even though he is with someone in Second life he still likes playing mind game i bet he don't even care that it hurts me when i get my defences up he says he is angry with me but in way i am start not to care about him at the moment we are just friends and he is slowly losing me as a friend i am trying to distances myself from him maybe in the end we will go our own way. i didn't want him to do this to me and it to go this way but he chose to go this way i won't be around to play any of hes fucked up mind games with me no more i think he likes doing it to women...... but no more because of him i have little faith on what men say to me in Second life.............

1 comment:

  1. oh darling i count say it beter !!! .. its all like that .. got the feeling we got the same soul .. always easy going always the one that forgives ... and damn they always fool with us and our feelings !!! *put my arms around you* .. Girl know were to find me XXX
