Thursday, 22 April 2010

The great possessed

In the Old Testament, the Witch from Endor (Samuel XXVIII, 7) was called Behalath-Ob (Mistress of the Python) and summoned the spirit of Samuel for the King Saül.
According to the Church, many saints have been tormented, tempted and possessed by demons. Following the temptation of Jesus in the desert, we find St Antoine and St Benoit, St Dominique, St Thomas Aquina, St François d’Assise, St Magdeleine of Pazzi, St Catherine of Sienne, St Angèle of Foligno, St Jean of the Cross
Jean-Marie Vianney, a french priest called “le curé d’Ars” from the village where he lived was canonized in 1925 by Pie XI. He pretended to have been persecuted by the devil during 35 years from 1824 to 1858. The phenomenon that had several witnesses mostly occurs in the priest’s house and was similar to poltergeists.
Jeanne Fery, a 25 years-old nun from a covent at Mons (Belgium) pretended to be possessed from the age of 4 and was exorcized many times with the usual signs and manifestations until 1620 when she admitted the fraud.
Elizabeth de Ranfaing managed to have executed a doctor named Poirot in 1621 at Nancy after being possessed at the Covent she founded.
Marie des Vallées (1590-1656) was possessed during all her life and had given accurate descriptions of Hell where God himself sent her.
According to Father Boudon, Marie-Angélique de la Providence was followed during two years by a demon that was looking a like green dog.
Luther has struggled against the devil during most of his life. He had faithfully written the dialogs he had with Satan.
There are many more possessed in the official story of the Christian Church and in almost all European countries.

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